Sunday 13 August 2017

Know how to make a good tea or a cup of tea in The North India?

Know how to make a good tea or a cup of tea in The North India?

To make good tea, first take fresh water in a kettle, then boil it at 80 centigrade. After that, there is a certain amount of tea leaves in it.For some time tea Boil the leaf. Then add sugar according to the amount of tea in it. After that milk Mix them according to your wish. Then cook it for a while on slow flame. his After taking a piece of ginger, after grinding ginger, put it in the kettle. Heat the time. Then filter it with the help of clay in the cup.After that a little bit Mix the salt. Put cream of milk on top of the cup. Now your tea is ready. You can serve it to your guest.


  1. Tellet should be well cleaned.
  2.  Do not touch the tea with your hands, use our spoon.
  3. Duck the kettle while boiling the water.
  4.  The nails should be clean.
  5. Keep the tea on a little high in the cup by filtering the sieve cups.
  6. Keep in mind that the amount of salt should not be high.
  7. The cream should be ripe.
  8. Decorate the cream with a spoon on the cup.

In the end, we tell you, "North Indians always make tea with milk" and mix some. For the sake of gradients like ginger, milk, salt, milk, milk cream etc.
Sometimes they make tea without milk, and use lemon juice instead of milk.

When guests arrive home, they welcome tea and simple snacks such as snacks etc.


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