Thursday 10 August 2017

How To make Oolong Tea at home and it benefits

How To make Oolong Tea at home and it benefits

Quantity:1 cup
Your tea Ingredients:
250 ml water
2 teaspoon  oolong tea ( rolled-style tea or  leaf-style tea)


Teapot and cup


step 1:
 Take water in a tea kettle and heat it, till boiled and wait 4 to 5 minutes that makes temperature near  200°F.continuously cool this water and Pre-warm  water.
step 2:
 Clean cup with warm water .Take 2 tsp of oolong tea.Amount of oolong tea  depend on type of tea (taken less tea if it rolled into balls ,taken more if the tea is with open leaves). Place tea leaves in to the cup, with an infuser or directly .
step 3:
Fill pour  water over the tea leaves in the cup.and cover  cup with small saucer or lid.your tea making style is self style,you make your tea in with in 4 to 8 minutes and makes some other  Ingredients according to won choose and new flavors with each subsequent brew.

Health benefits of oolong:

Oolong tea more beneficial in following diseases as heart disease, inflammatory disorders. Oolong tea  providing vital antioxidants that promoting superior bone structure, robust skin, and good dental health.Oolong tea is a a relaxing drink. Oolong tea has fruity flavor and a pleasant aroma with small amount of caffeine.Oolong tea provides multiple benefits  because it is makes with qualites of black and green tea.In the world present may types of tea but Oolong tea more benefical other than because its leaves are full of oxidised materials. Oolong tea to old (near about 400 years ago it was maked in China). as soon as the tea leaves start to change their colour making process is stoped.

Oolong Tea Value in Nutritional form:

 God gifts to human ,Oolong Tea is a rich source of antioxidants and present many vital vitamins and minerals as like , copper, calcium, manganese,selenium, carotin,potassium, and also contains  vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.Oolong Tea rich source acids as like, folic acid, niacin amide. Oolong Tea  developed by semi-fermented processing contains  with numerous polyphenolic compounds.Oolong tea is a source of caffeine, thralling, and the obromine that is
responsbile for human nervous system.

Benefits Of Oolong Tea:

Oolong tea use in many health is use in many health purpose now you include this tea in your Delly diet,and find may benefits. Some benefits of Oolong tea is given below.

control your weight:

Oolong Tea has some polyphenol  chemical compound that is effective to controlling you fat and obesity. polyphenol activates to enzymes ,enzymes rect with body cells and makes in right conditions.

Remove Harmful Free Radicals from body:

Oolong tea helps to remove harmful free radicals from human body.Polyphenolic chemical compound is an very antioxidant included in oolong tea that  is help to human body to fight from harmful free radicals.If you drink daily oolong tea,your body protected  and fights to harmful free
radicals and easily harmful radicals goes out from can not have  cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegeneration, and diabetes,because antioxidant drink beneficial for you and oolong tea is more powerful antioxidant drink.

Ovarian Cancer in women:

Oolong tea is an anticancer drink,it help to breaking in process to developing ovarian cancer in women.

Oolong Tea Protect your Skin:

Oolong tea contains antioxidant, that is protect skin from allergy .All environment full of dust and smoke that makes infection in skin.when you go any where from vehicles many passengers touch your body ,infection  is yield. your skin is effected form sun light .But your skin is main presentation part of body, that  give suitable position is is important to you protect your skin so drink oolong tea save your skin.

Bones Healthy : 

 oolong tea protect teeth from decay, makes strong the bone structure, protect  from  osteoporosis, and promote normal, healthy growth of the human body because it is rich source of antioxidants.

Controls Diabetes: 

Oolong tea is a good supplement that control diabetic disorders . oolong tea  balanced the blood sugar levels .You may stress free :Theanine is an amino acid found in Oolong tea. tea-anene L-theanine has the reputation for promoting mental and physical relaxation-decreasing stress and anxiety-without inducing drowsiness.

Mental Performance :

 Health benefits of oolong tea  improved mental performance and alertness in human. oolong tea may help in improving mental and alertness  performance to better.

now we say it is very good drink !


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