Tuesday 25 July 2017

Amazing health food Garlic and benefits


Garlic products are used as sources of medicine in many ways in human beings in their day today life.As a result, researchers from various disciplines are now directing their efforts towards discovering the medicinal values of garlic on human health. The main interest of researchers in the medicinal values of garlic is its broad-spectrum therapeutic effect with minimal toxicity. Garlic extract has antimicrobiala ctivity against many genera of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Garlic contains a higher concentration of sulfur compounds which are responsible for its medicinal effects. The chemical constituents of garlic have also been investigated for treatment of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, atherosclerosis and hyperlipidaemia and highly praised by several authors. The young researchers about the medicinal values of garlic.A member of the Liliaceae family, garlic (Allium sativum) is a cultivated food highly regarded throughout the world. Originally from Central Asia, garlic is one of the earliest of cultivated plants. The Ebers Codex, and Egyptian medical papyrus dating to about 1550 B.C.E. mentions garlic as an effective remedy for a variety of ailments. Early men of medicine such as Hippocrates, Pliny and Aristotle espoused a number of therapeutic uses for this botanical (Murray 2005).Today it is commonly used in many cultures as a seasoning or spice.
                          According to the US Food and Drug Administration survey of 900 people,
garlic stands as the second most utilized supplement (behind Echinacea), with  almost 17% of the population using a garlic supplement in the preceding 12 months (Timbo et al. 2006). Most of the garlic eaten today comes from China,South Korea, India, Spain, and the United States. In addition to its reputation as a healthy food, garlic has shown anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antifungals and antioxidant capacities. Additionally, anti-atherosclerotic and anti-cancer properties have also been demonstrated. The genus Allium includes garlic, scallions, onions, chives, and leeks. These contain the sulfur compounds which are medicinally active.
                             Teardrop shaped cloves are encased in dry skin-like papers that unite to
create the bulb. The garlic bulb is the part of the plant used most often for cooking and medicinal uses. Garlic can be eaten raw. Most often it is used raw after being chopped, minced, sliced, or juiced. More often, it is cooked where it enhances flavor as well as adds nutritional benefit.


Garlic is a popular supplement well-perceived as a healthy choice among people looking to increase cardiovascular wellness. Approximately 4% of all  cardiovascular disease patients and 30% of cardiovascular patients who use herbal  supplements take garlic (Yeh et al. 2006). Known risk factors for cardiovascular disease include inflammation, high cholesterol, high homocysteine, high blood
pressure, diabetes and dementia, including its most common form, Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, as early as the 1920’s and 1930’s (Rahman 2001, Schlesinger 1926, Taubman 1934), numerous studies do bear the beneficial cardiovascular effects. Garlic is well reported to scavenge oxidants, increase superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione levels, as well as inhibit lipid peroxidation and inflammatory prostaglandins. Garlic also reduces cholesterol synthesis by inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA. Garlic has been shown to inhibit LDL oxidation, platelet aggregation, arterial plaque   formation, decrease homocysteine, lower blood pressure, and increase
microcirculation, which is important in diabetes, where microvascular changes increase heart disease and dementia risks. Garlic may also help prevent cognitive decline by protecting neurons from neurotoxicity and apoptosis, thereby


Health claims touting garlic’s universal ability to lower cholesterol is ubiquitous.The research also bears this out, but there are a number of conflicting studies.Garlic’s main benefits are due to its ability to lower cholesterol and decrease lipid peroxidation in order to inhibit plaque formation. In vitro studies clearly show the ability of several garlic components to suppress LDL oxidation and short-term  supplementation of garlic in human subjects has demonstrated an increased resistance of LDL to oxidation (Lau 2006). Results from controlled human studies are mixed, with studies performed
in the early 1990’s showing effective results (Jain et al. 1993, Steiner et al. 1996) whereas a number of studies from the past six years have not shown efficacy to lower cholesterol. (Peleg et al. 2003, Isaacsohn et al. 1998, Gardner et al. 2001). Morris et al. reviewed five clinical trials on garlic’s effect on the cardiovascular system. All of these studies showed garlic to be of no benefit (1995). As many
studies that have shown garlic to have no effect on the cardiovascular system.

Reduces high blood pressure/hypertension

Garlic has probably been most popularized as a com-plementary therapy for blood pressure control (Capraz et al., 2006). A recent in vitro study  has confirmed that, the vasoactive ability of garlic sulfur compounds whereby red blood cells convert garlic organic polysulfides into hydrogen
sulfide, a known endogenous cardio-protective vascular cell signaling molecule (Benavides et al., 2007). Using 2400 mg garlic tablet containing 31.2 mg allicin has high dose reduced diastolic pressure by 16 mmHg after 5 h of administration (McMahon and Vargas, 1993). A meta-analysis
made on pooled data from 415 patients showed also reduction of 7.7 mmHg diastolic pressure (Silagy and Neil, 1994).

As natural blood thinner

Platelets and fibrin play great role in blood clotting and higher amount of fibrin in blood can cause heart attack. Garlic constituents can reduce fibrin formation and also help reduce the fibrin existing in the blood even better than aspirin (Fukao et al., 2007). Ajoene, a sulfur compound found in garlic seems to be responsible for its anti-clotting effect; but ajoene is only viable at room temperature or above, it is not present in raw or freeze-dried garlic. It is believed that the addition of garlic to a diet can help to increase the breakdown of fibrin from 24 to 30% in people (Ernst, 1994).

As natural immunity booster

With the arrival of frightening viral diseases like HIV/AIDS, boosting immunity system is receiving a new attention. Because these types of diseases have no effective cures or treatments, strengthening the body’s ability to fight off infection has become even more important. Garlic has abundant sulfur
containing amino acids and other compounds that seem to initiate increased activity in the immune system (Lau et al., 1991). It is one of the impressive conductors of the body’s immune system; which stimulates immune function by making macrophages or killer cells more active. We are constantly beaten by inadequate nutrition, cigarette smoke, physical injury, mental tension and chemical pollution. In light of the enormous pressures, which our immune systems sustain, supplemental nutrients like garlic are clearly needed (Salman et al., 1999). Its remarkable content of germanium alone offers excellent immune stimulation. In addition to germanium, garlic contains thiamine, sulfur, niacin, phosphorous, and selenium (Morioka et al., 1993)Preliminary studies in humans, using an alliin standar-dized garlic powder preparation, have demonstrated positive effects on munoreactions
and phagocytosis. In aged subjects, the administration of 600 mg garlic powder per day for 3 months induced significant (p<0.01) increases in the percentage of phagocytosing peripheral granulocytes and monocytes when tested ex vivo for their ability to engulf Escherichia coli bacteria. Another human study was conducted with an unrefined garlic extract (5 to 10 g/day) which was given to HIV/AIDS patients. For the seven patients who completed the 12 weeks study, there was a major increase in the natural killer cells activity from a seriously low mean value (Abdullah et al., 1988).
In USA, trials in HIV/AIDS patients have demonstrated the enhancement of natural killer cells activity using garlic extracts; and Chinese studies with viral infections in bone marrow transplant patients have demonstrated a “potent antiviral activity”. A double blind placebo controlled survey
using a 100% allicin yielding supplement has reported that allicin can reduce the occurrence of the common cold and recovered from symptoms (Josling, 2001)Atherosclerosis and hyperlipidaemia
Health claims


Ajoene is an active compound in garlic that may also play a role as a topical fungal agent (Ledezma et al. 2006, Ghandi et al. 1988). Garlic has shown to inhibit growth of fungal elements equally along with the drug ketoconazole, when tested on the fungi Malassezia furfur, Candida albicans, other Candida sp. as well as 35 strains of various dermatophyte species (Shams-Ghahfarokhi et al. 2006). In1980 there was a preliminary report of the benefit if garlic 21 cases of cryptoccal

 Prevents and Treats Cold

Daily consumption of garlic in your food can benefit your immune system as garlic is packed with antioxidants. When suffering from cold or sneeze, give garlic tea a sip.  Steep chopped up or crushed garlic in hot water for several minutes, sieve it and imbibe it hot. If you could not tolerate the pungent and strong taste, add a bit of honey or ginger to perk up the taste.

Soothes Psoriasis

Since garlic has proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful in treating and relieving the painful psoriasis outburst. Rub little garlic oil with the help of a cotton ball on the affected region and get rash-free and soft skin.

 Controls Your Weight

As per some studies, it is found that garlic can help you control your weight. Simply cook your daily meals with a generous amount of garlic and get tasty and waist-friendly feast.

 Removes Splinter

Stuck with a splinter in your finger??? Well, garlic acts as a remedy for this trouble also. Put a slice of garlic over the splinter. Then, cover it with a dressing or duct tape. Wait for a few minutes; splinter will come out of the flesh itself. This has been a conventional therapy for years.

Treats Athlete's Foot

Because of the anti-fungal properties, garlic is an excellent way of getting rid of scratchy and itchy athlete's foot. Boil some water and add crushed garlic to it to soak your feet in.  You will certainly get relief in a week.

 Cures Cold Sores

Garlic is an excellent remedy to treat cold sores. Hold a bit of crushed garlic directly on the cold sore and the innate anti-inflammatory properties of garlic will diminish the pain and swelling. The supplements of garlic may also accelerate the therapeutic process.

Reduces Cholesterol

The powerful enzymes of garlic have the ability to lower down the level of blood triglycerides and cholesterol. It also reduces arterial plaque development.

Remedy for Respiratory Problems

Daily consumption of garlic decreases the occurrence of cold. The anti-bacterial properties of garlic facilitate in treating various respiratory issues, like throat irritations, asthma, difficulty in breathing, etc, which makes garlic a priceless and precious remedy. It even gives relief from chronic bronchitis to a certain extent.

 Cures Diabetes

Garlic is also helpful in diabetes as it increases the secretion of insulin and controls the blood sugar levels in individuals having diabetes.

 Effective against Warts and Corns

Application of garlic juice or garlic oil on derma troubles, like corns, warts, and pustules, is also very effective.

Cures Toothache

Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the paining tooth and you will surely get relief within a few minutes from the toothache as garlic contains strong anti-bacterial and analgesic properties. However, it will be a little irritating on gums.

Prevents Cancer

The regular consumption of garlic has been proved as a great remedy for treating almost all types of cancers, like bladder cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer. The allyl sulfides in garlic are anti-cancerous, which makes garlic a therapeutic medicine.

Reduces Weight

Good news for overweights!! According to a recent research, it has been revealed that garlic is also effective in treating obesity. Garlic regulates the creation of fat cells in our body, thereby keeping you in shape.

 Protects Heart

Garlic is a magical remedy for protecting your heart from cardiovascular problems, like atherosclerosis and heart attacks. With increasing age, arteries gradually loose their capability to stretch. Garlic helps in reducing this tendency and saves heart from the damages caused by free oxygen radicals.

Cures Impotency

Garlic is a complete herbal antidote and is also effective in handling the troubles of impotence and erectile dysfunction. Garlic is a natural and safe aphrodisiac.

 Improves Iron Metabolism

Latest studies have revealed that garlic also plays an important role in improving the iron metabolism. Diallyl sulfides found in garlic augment the manufacture of ferroportin, which, in turn, aids in the release and absorption of iron.

 Blood Thinning

Garlic has ajoene in it, which prevents blood clots in the body. The anti-clotting properties of garlic help in the free flow of blood in the body.

Treats Hypothyroid

Garlic contains a high amount of iodine, which makes it very successful in treating the conditions, related to hyperthyroidism. Garlic improves the problem of hypothyroid from the body, if taken on a regular basis.

 Natural Antibiotic

Garlic is a natural and powerful antibiotic that does not kill the friendly bacteria in our body as other chemical antibiotics do. The allicin found in the garlic acts as an antibiotic and keeps at bay several allergies and other infections.

 Cures Ear Infection

Garlic oil is the wonderful remedy for curing ear infection, as well. Take one tablespoon of minced garlic clove and put it in hot olive or coconut oil. Let garlic infuse with the oil. Use two to three drops of this oil in ear, whenever necessary.


Garlic, from crushed to capsules, is consumed through-out the world. This review paper demonstrated some of the benefits of garlic for its potential uses in preventing and curing different diseases, and acting as antioxidant for many radicals. Fresh and powdered garlic are popular for food flavor and should continue to be used. Today, with the ever-growing resistant organisms, taking of garlic extract remains a powerful antimicrobial agent. Clearly more studies are needed to refine the use and improvement of the efficacy of this important medicinal plant.


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